OpenStreetMap 20th Birthday Celebration

OpenStreetMap Logo with Celebrating 20 Years Badge

Happy Birthday OpenStreetMap!

Join us in celebrating two decades of mapping together.

Since its inception, OpenStreetMap has grown from a simple idea to a global movement.

The Lifetime of OpenStreetMap

  • August 9, 2004
  • August 20, 2004
  • December 11, 2004
  • August 22, 2006
  • January 6, 2013
  • January 13, 2023
  • August 9, 2024
  • OpenStreetMap is Born!

    Steve Coast took the first step towards revolutionizing the world of mapping by registering the domain. This act marked the official birth of OpenStreetMap (OSM), a project that would grow to become a global phenomenon.
  • First presentation of OSM at EuroFOO

    On August 20, 2004, Steve Coast, then a physics student at University College London, introduced his groundbreaking idea for OpenStreetMap (OSM) during a presentation at EuroFOO. In this talk, Coast shared his vision for a collaborative, editable map of the world, challenging the status quo of inaccessible and non-editable mapping data.
  • First Street Entered into OpenStreetMap

    The first street was added into OpenStreetMap, marking a significant milestone in the project's development.
  • Establishment of the OpenStreetMap Foundation

    The OpenStreetMap Foundation was established to support the growth, development, and distribution of free geospatial data, ensuring OpenStreetMap remains a valuable resource for everyone.
  • OpenStreetMap Reaches 1 Million Users

    On January 6, 2013, OpenStreetMap (OSM) achieved a significant milestone by surpassing 1 million registered users. This landmark moment highlighted the growing global community of contributors dedicated to creating and maintaining a free, editable map of the world. The achievement underscored OSM’s success in democratizing map data and fostering collaborative efforts worldwide.
  • OpenStreetMap Reaches 10 Million Users

    OpenStreetMap hits an impressive milestone: 10 million mappers!
  • OpenStreetMap Celebrates its 20th Birthday

    OpenStreetMap marks two decades of collaborative mapping, celebrating 20 years of community-driven geospatial innovation.

A Message from the Founder

OpenStreetMap started as a passion project to create a free, open source, editable map of the world. It’s incredible to see how far we’ve come in 20 years, with contributions from millions of people worldwide. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey. Let’s keep mapping!

– OpenStreetMap Founder Steve Coast

Celebrations Around the Globe

Add your celebration to the map by sending a tag and coordinates.

(form here)